Habilitations (postdoctoral titles)

Laws and regulations

(Polish version only)


A person who would like to start the habilitation procedure at the JU Faculty of Biology and Earth Sciences in the field: biological sciences, discipline: biology must meet the statutory requirements, and, besides, should fulfill the following conditions:

  1. have a considerable academic output, that is more than a dozen papers published in prestigious international journals (included in the lista A of the Ministry of Scinece and Higher Education or listend by the Journal Citation Reports).
  2. be the so-called "corresponding author of at least five papers published in prestigious international journals
  3. be or have been the head or the coordinator of the project funded by KBN (State Committee for Scientific Research), NCN (National Science Centre), or another project of equal status
  4. have completed a foreign internship
  5. have taught classes of various kinds, achieving high standards of teaching (according to students and observers) and have been an academic advisor of at least two MA students
  6. have contributed to the popularization of science (popular scientific publications, open lectures etc.)
  7. have participated in the organizational activities of the academic unit where he or she is employed.

The purpose of the conditions 1-4 is to guarantee the scientific and financial independence of the candidates, whereas the requirements 5-7 are aimed to make sure that they are successful in the area of education.